Perum DAMRI Vacancies January 2012
DAMRI is an abbreviation of Djawatan Angkoetan Motor Repoeblik Indonesia (Jawatan Angkutan Motor Republik Indonesia) which was established by the Ministry of Civil Affairs No. 01/DAMRI/46 dated 25 November 1946 with the main task is organizing transportation of passengers and goods on the road with using a motor vehicle.
In a further development as a Public Company (Perum), the name DAMRI remains enshrined as a brand mark of the State Owned Enterprises (BUMN) that until now remained consistently carry out their duties as one of the passenger transport service providers and goods with the use of buses and trucks.
Until now, DAMRI has a network of service spread almost throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. In conducting its business activities DAMRI city transportation services, transportation between cities in the province, the provincial inter-city transportation, special transportation airports, travel transport, transport logistics, transport pioneer and cross-border transport.
In a further development as a Public Company (Perum), the name DAMRI remains enshrined as a brand mark of the State Owned Enterprises (BUMN) that until now remained consistently carry out their duties as one of the passenger transport service providers and goods with the use of buses and trucks.
Until now, DAMRI has a network of service spread almost throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. In conducting its business activities DAMRI city transportation services, transportation between cities in the province, the provincial inter-city transportation, special transportation airports, travel transport, transport logistics, transport pioneer and cross-border transport.
Career at Perum DAMRI - January 2012
In preparation for Operation Tender of Transjakarta Busway corridors 2 and 3, Perum DAMRI accepting Pramudi candidates with the following requirements :
Requirement for Applicants :
- Maximum age 45 years in December 2012.
- Minimum height 165 cm (male) and 160 cm (female).
- Minimum education junior high school/ equal.
- Having a driver's license (SIM) B-2 General.
- Police Notes (SKCK).
- Health Certificate from the Doctor.
- Letter of Drugs and Alcohol Free.
Application Procedures
Please complete an application letter in a sealed envelope and addressed it to :
Direksi Perum DAMRI
Jalan Matraman Raya Nomor 25
Jakarta Timur
Note : The latest date of submission is on January 10th, 2012
If Perum DAMRI declared victorious in the bidding, it is for applicants who qualify will be called to follow the written exam and psikotest.