Sriwijaya Air Officer Development Program (ODP) May 2012 for Throughout Indonesia

Sriwijaya Air is an airline based in Jakarta with headquarters in Central Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia. 

It offers domestic flights to major cities in Indonesia and limited International destinations. Sriwijaya Air is listed in category 1 by Indonesian Civil Aviation Authority for airline safety quality.

In 2007, Sriwijaya Air received the Boeing International Award for Safety and Maintenance of aircraft. It was awarded after passing the inspection carried out in a few months. In the same year Sriwijaya Air received Aviation Customer Partnership Award from Pertamina because the airlines had assessed the accuracy of petroleum payment. In 2008 Sriwijaya Air was awarded an award by Markplus & Co.. This award is a public appreciation of the services provided by Sriwijaya Air. Aircraft Maintenance are done by PT. ANI (Aero Nusantara Indonesia).

Today, Sriwijaya Air is categorized as a Medium Service Airline which serves only light snacks. Sriwijaya Air is planning to expand into full-service flights in 2013 which should have at least 31 airplanes with a business lounge and meals for passengers.

Job Program at Sriwijaya Air in May 2012

Sriwijaya Air is now offering at you a challenging opportunity for passionate, talented and dedicated people. Let's join our job selection program at below descriptions.

For interested applicants may join by sending us via email your complete resume along with CV, latest pass photograph (4x6 cm) as much as 2 sheets, copy of ID Card (KTP), copy of diploma (ijazah), copy of value transcript, and other supported of copy of certificate or documents to :

Officer Development Program (ODP)
Qualifications :
  1. S1 in all major, GPA min 2.75
  2. Age max 25 years old
  3. Mastering computer (Ms. Office), English language skill
  4. Single, willing to not get married during the period of training
  5. Willing to be located throughout Indonesia
Job Note : Please attach the code of "ODP" at your email subject.