Job Vacancy Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN): Supporting Staff | Officer Development Program | General Banking Staff

General Banking Staff
- WNI : Male/female, max. age 27 years old in 1 June 2012
- Hold min S1/S2 from reputable university (PTN/PTS), majoring in
*Economic (Banking, Accpunting, Development Studies)
*Law (Civil and Criminal)
*Computer Science / Informatic Management / Informatic Engineering
*Engineering (Civil, Architecture, Electrical, Industrial and Agriculture)
*Public Relation
- GPA min. 3.00
- Willing to undergo a bond departement for 5 years
Supporting Staff
- Max age 24 years old
- Min D3 all majors with GPA min 2,75
Officer Development Program
- WNI : Male/female, max. age 27 years old in 1 June 2012
- Hold min S1/S2 from reputable university (PTN/PTS), majoring in
*Economic (Banking, Accpunting, Development Studies)
*Law (Civil and Criminal)
*Computer Science / Informatic Management / Informatic Engineering
*Engineering (Civil, Architecture, Electrical, Industrial and Agriculture)
* Statistic
*Public Relation
- GPA min. 3.00
- Preferred has a TOEFL certificate with a score min.500
- Willing to undergo a bond departement for 5 years
For further detail information about jobs requirements and how to apply in each positons above, please refer official source from ECC FT UGM on following link below. Closing date 5 June 2012 and only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Official Source