Job Vacancy Pertamina: Subsurface Storage Specialist

Subsurface Storage Specialist (E-UPSUTC21)
Job Description
- Screening of several fields which are likely to be applied for subsurface storage in order to evaluate the potential technology that will be used throughout the functions in Pertamina Hulu
- Develop survey design of geological, geophysical and engineering for subsurface storage reservoir that will be applied at the Pertamina Hulu & all its subsidiaries
- Conduct and devise a method and mechanisms of quality control system for acquisition subsurface geophysical methods activities and make a recommendations on solving methods of both problems attributable design, instrumentation or field conditions.
- Evaluate each phase of the acquisition, processing, modeling and interpretation of integrated data to evaluate subsurface storage and technical recommendations for improving data quality
Job Requirement
- Possess Master (S2) majoring in Petroleum Engineering/ Geology/ Geophysics
Capabilities and Competencies:
- Have knowledge and understanding of the:
* GGR data acquisition operations
* GGR data processing
* Modeling and interpretation of data GGR
* Geological modeling (petrophysics)
* Geophysical modeling (reservoir characterization/ rock physics)
* Geological and geomechanics reservoir
- 9 years experience in GGR, especially in the subsurface or min. 5 years of GGR
Should you interested and meet the requirements above, please apply at links below, not later than June 4, 2012.