BUMN Recruitment PT Batan Teknologi (Persero) May 2012 for High School, Diploma & Bachelor Degrees


PT Batan Teknologi (Persero) or Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional, abbreviated BATAN, the Indonesian Ministry of Non Government Agencies tasked with carrying out government duties in the field of research, development, and utilization of nuclear energy.

Careers at BATAN in May 2012
PT Batan Teknologi (Persero) is now offering career opportunities for dynamic and professional young candidate to join the available following job positions/ fields.
For you that have interested to join and matched with all of of the requested applicant's requirements at below descriptions, please send your complete resume to :

PT Batan Teknologi (Persero) - Kawasan PUSPIPTEK Gd. 70, Setu – Tangerang Selatan 15310 (PO BOX  343, Ciputat - 15400)

The job positions available are :

Pelaksana Produksi RI/ RF
Special Requirements:
  • SMK in Chemical, NEM at least 7.00.
  • Maximum age 25 years.
  • Preferably have experience in the field of chemical production.
Pelaksana Administrasi Produksi 
Special Requirements:
  • D3 in Engineering Education, minimum GPA is 2.75.
  • Graduates of accredited State University with min. B of accreditation or accredited Private University with min. A of accreditation.
  • Maximum age 25 years.
  • Preferably have the ability to speak English fluently and experienced in the field of Administration.
Pelaksana Keselamatan
Special Requirements:
  • SMK in Chemical or Engineering, NEM at least 7.00.
  • Maximum age 25 years.
Pelaksana Safeguards
Special Requirements:
  • D3 or S1 in Engineering, minimum GPA is 2.75.
  • Graduates of accredited State University with min. B of accreditation or accredited Private University with min. A of Accreditation.
  • Maximum age 27 years.
  • Preferably have the ability to speak English Fluently and experience in Safeguard areas.
Pelaksana Kendali Kualitas
Special Requirements:
  • SMK in Chemical, NEM at least 7.00.
  • Maximum age 25 years.
  • Preferably have experience in Quality Control.
Pelaksana Perawatan Sarana Dukung Produksi (SDP)/ Teknik
Special Requirements:
  • SMK in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering, NEM at least 7.00 or D3 in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering, minimum GPA is 2.75.
  • Graduates of accredited State University with min. B of accreditation or accredited Private University with min. A of Accreditation.
  • Maximum age 25 years.
  • Preferably have the ability to speak English fluently and experience in SDP treatment field.
Pelaksana Distribusi dan Pengemasan
Special Requirements:
  • SMK in Engineering, NEM at least 7.00.
  • Maximum age 25 years.
  • Preferably have experience in Distribution and Packaging.
  • Have A driver's license (SIM A)
Pelaksana Perizinan
Special Requirements:
  • D3 in Engineering, minimum GPA is 2.75.
  • Graduates of accredited State University with min. B of accreditation or accredited Private University with min. A of accreditation.
  • Maximum age 25 years.
  • Preferably have experience in licensing the use of nuclear weapons.
  • Excellent in English.
  • Having the ability to operate a computer in a worksheet and other required reports in Ms. Excel/ Ms. Word/ other Ms. Office Tools and Internet.
  • Have SIM A and C
Pelaksana Pengadaan
Special Requirements:  
  • D3 in Engineering, minimum GPA is 2.75.
  • Graduates of accredited State University with min. B of accreditation or accredited Private University with min. A of accreditation.
  • Maximum age 25 years.
  • Preferably have the ability to speak English fluently and experienced in the field of Procurement.
  • Having the ability to operate a computer in a worksheet and other required reports in Ms. Excel/ Ms. Word/ other Ms. Office Tools and Internet.
General Requirements for Every Applicant:
  1. Willing to work overtime if needed.
  2. Honest, conscientious, disciplined, responsible, hard working & Able to work in teams.
  3. Have the ability to work independently.
  4. Able to work under pressure.
  5. Strong willed and have a motivation to work.
  6. Able to maintain the confidentiality of the Company.
Job Note : The last application submission date of this vacancy is on May 18th, 2012.

Please note that only qualified candidates will be called for interview process and we will not accepted application via email.