Bank BNI Syariah BUMN Vacancies May 2012 for Bogor Area

PT Bank BNI Syariah, forging the 1997 financial crisis proved the toughness of Islamic banking system. Shariah principles with 3 (three) pillars are fair, transparent and beneficiaries are able to answer the needs of people in the banking system more equitable. With based on Law No.10 of 1998, on the date of 29 April 2000 established Unit Usaha Syariah (UUS) of BNI with 5 branch offices in Yogyakarta, Malang, Pekalongan, Jepara and Banjarmasin. Furthermore UUS BNI continues to grow to 28 Branch Offices and 31 Branch Offices.

Besides, customers can also enjoy the services of sharia in BNI Branch Conventional (office channeling) with approximately 750 outlets scattered across Indonesia. In the execution of banking operations, BNI Syariah still consider compliance with aspects of sharia. With the Dewan Pengawas Syariah (DPS) which is currently chaired by KH.Ma'ruf Amin, all BNI Syariah products has passed the testing of the DPS that meets the rules of sharia.

In the Corporate Plan of UUS BNI in 2000 determined that the status is temporary and will be spin off in 2009. The plan was implemented on June 19, 2010 with the operation of Bank BNI Syariah as a Bank Umum Syariah (BUS). Realization of the spin off in June 2010 can not be separated from external factors in the form of a conducive regulatory aspects of the issuance of Law No.19 of 2008 on Surat Berharga Syariah Negara (SBSN) and Law No.21 of 2008 on Islamic Banking. In addition, the Government's commitment to the development of increasingly powerful Islamic banking and awareness of the superiority of Islamic banking products have also increased.

Career Opportunities at Bank BNI Syariah in May 2012

Bank BNI Syariah opens opportunities for profesional and reliable candidates to be located at our work areas in Bogor, Cibinong, Cibubur and its surrounding areas.
  1. BNI Syariah Funding Executive (BFE)
  2. Direct Sales Pembiayaan (DS)
Requirements (For all available positions above) :
  • Minimum Diploma III (D3) in all major
  • Have extensive networks and relationships
  • Attractive appearance and communicative
  • Have a motorcycle and also "SIM C"

How to Apply ?
Please bring your letter of application and full CV and write position code you have desired on the upper left corner of your envelope.

Application Submission Procedures

The job application acceptance is opening on workdays (Monday-Friday) at 9 A. M. - 15 P. M. WIB at the following place :

BNI Syariah Cabang Bogor - Jl. Pajajaran No. 27 A-B, Bogor - Indonesia.
Phone : (0251)8337828/ 8337620

Job Note : The last submission day is on June 16th, 2012.