Bank ANZ Indonesia Fresh Graduate Opportunity May 2012 for Banking Operations Role

ANZ is accelerating the growth of its business in Asia. ANZ realizes that our greatest asset is our people. That is why we are creating a unique climate of inspiration, leadership, values and opportunity great opportunities that will enable the best in market to thrive as part of our diverse team.

Fresh Graduate Opportunity for Banking Operations Role - Jakarta
Status :
Advantages :
  • Exciting career opportunities in Banking and Finance
  • Exposure in service oriented organization
  • Opportunity to work in a multi national environment
Responsibilities :
ANZ, Indonesia, seeks individuals with persistence to details and willingness to learn and grow with our organisation. We are recruiting talented individuals with background in Finance & Accounting, Computer Science, Information Technology, Mathematics, Marketing, Hospitality and Administration to assume responsibilities for positions relating to banking operations.

Requirements :
  1. Fresh graduates from local and overseas universities or educational institutions are welcome to apply. 
  2. Keen with accuracy and willingness to work hard, innovative and forward thinking are valuable traits you bring to our business.
This is an opportunity to undertake a role with development opportunities. With our global head office in Melbourne you will have exceptional opportunity for professional development with a broad range of career paths.

Registration Procedures

Due to Indonesia's current legislative requirements, this role is only open to Indonesian nationals.

Please do an online registration immediately before the deadline date on May 25th, 2012 at the provided link below.
We live in your world.