Recruitment Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan February 2012

The Establishment of Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan or Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries/ MMAF (in English)

The Djuanda Declaration, 13 December 1957, stated that Indonesia is an Archipelagic State. It is stipulated that the body of water surrounding, within and connecting the islands of Republic of Indonesia is inseparable part of the Republic of Indonesia territory as one united country. The concept of archipelagic state is recognized in the United Nation Convention on The Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) on December 10th 1982 and ratified with Republic of Indonesia Act Number 17, in the year1985.This recognition presents a broad responsibility in order to manage, secure and sustainably utilized the Republic of Indonesia’s territory and all of its resources. It requires great maritime capability, supported by developed human resources, large amount of financial resources and modern technology.

There are four underlying and important reasons for the establishment of MMAF :
  1. Indonesia, with 17.508 islands and 81.000 Kilometers of shoreline, is the biggest archipelagic state with immense marine natural resources which have not been optimally and sustainably utilized.
  2. Several decades ago, Indonesian development program focused more on land in which land-based natural resources are largely depleted or dangerously exhausted. That is why marine natural resources are important to be the capital for the future development plan.
  3. Indonesian population growth, coupled with the growing consciousness of how fisheries products can significantly contribute to human health and intelligent, ensure that marine and fisheries sector would play an increasingly important role in the future.
  4. Coastal and marine region are very dynamic, with immense natural resources and great amount of problems which arises during the extraction activities. These problems should be address immediately and decisively for the sake of sustainable and responsible utilization of coastal and marine natural resources.
The MMAF mission, functions, organizational structures and its position in the cabinet are determined by Presidential Decree No.165 in the year 2000 issued in 23 November 2000. The Presidential decree No.9 in the year 2005, stipulated that the main mission of the MMAF is: “To Assist the President (of the Republic of Indonesia) in holding the process of governance in the Marine and Fisheries sector”

The Functions of the MMAF are :
  1. The formulation of national policy, implementation policy and technical policy in the Marine and Fisheries sector;
  2. The implementation of the governance affairs in the Marine and Fisheries Sector;
  3. The management of state-owned properties under MMAF;
  4. The supervision of MMAF mission implementation;
  5. Delivery of report to the President on the account of evaluations, suggestions and consideration on MMAF mission and Function.

Job Annoucement of Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries/ MMAF in February 2012
Job Acceptance Announcement of HAKIM AD HOC PENGADILAN PERIKANAN Candidates

Acceptance Annoucement No. : 05/ Pansel/ II/ 2012

Selection Committee of Hakim Ad Hoc Pengadilan Perikanan candidates in 2012 is now opening the opportunity for the best of Indonesia' s son/ daughter who felt called to serve as Hakim Ad Hoc Pengadilan Perikanan with the following requirements :

Hakim Ad Hoc Pengadilan Perikanan candidates
Requirements :
  1. Indonesian Citizen (WNI);
  2. Duty to God the Almighty;
  3. Loyal to Pancasila and Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945;
  4. Minimum age is 40 (forty) years;
  5. Healthy body and spirit as evidenced by a Certificate of Doctor/ Result Letter from The Laboratory;
  6. Competent, intelligent, honest, fair, and conduct not blameworthy;
  7. Education minimal from Bachelor Degree (S1) of Law field and or other degree that comes from within fisheries field, among other are universities in the field of fisheries, the fishing industry organizations, and has a membership in the field of fisheries law;
  8. Experienced in the field of fishery with at least 5 (five) years;
  9. Never been sentenced to prison by criminal court verdict which has permanent law power for doing a crime which is threatened with criminal prison 5 (five) years or more;
  10. Not a member of any political party;
  11. Ready to give up your own department of structural and or other departments during serve as Hakim Ad Hoc Pengadilan Perikanan;
  12. Ready to be placed in all parts of Indonesia;
  13. Written permission from the supervisor/ senior who is authorized for the applicants that come from Civil Service Employee (Pegawai Negeri Sipil/ PNS);
  14. Willing to reimburse the selection and education costs when stepped down as Hakim Ad Hoc as much as the value that has been the Committee is appointed by.


How to Join ?

Please submit immediately your comprehensive application along with the other documents requirement as it required to be attached by the company request in accordance to Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan recruitment

Please complete all of documents requirement first by meet them at here. Since you have completed all of the application requirements, please directly send yours via post only to the valid official address below by attaching the words : “Seleksi Hakim Ad Hoc Perikanan”.

Sekretariat Panitia Seleksi Hakim Ad Hoc Perikanan d.a. Direktorat Penanganan Pelanggaran, Ditjen PSDKP Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan 
Jalan Medan Merdeka Timur Nomor 16 Gd. Mina Bahari II Lt. 15 
Jakarta Pusat.

Job Note : The Selection Committee has received a job application with no later than March 2nd, 2012.

Job Reference : This job offer was originally posted by the "Selection Committee of Hakim Ad Hoc Pengadilan Perikanan", for official annoucement can be found after these words below.