Kansai Paint Indonesia Vacancies December 2011


PT Kansai Paint Indonesia, a company that manufactures paint for automotive, is commited to be the best company that providing the highest superiority of product within the range or requirement from customers.

The growth of PT. Gajah Tunggal Prakarsa began in 1977 when PT. Dayin Prima Pint was established. In June 1996, the company changed its name from PT. Dayin Prima Paint to PT. Gajah Tunggal Prakarsa, which underlined our role as a member of the Gajat Tunggal Group. From the beginning, we worked together with Kansai Paint Co.,Ltd, a leader in the international paint industry. Kansai Paint Company issued an exclusive license to us to manufacture and market their paint products in Indonesia.

Our efforts in the last three decades have earned wide recognition for the company. Our most recent accomplishment was the award of an ISO 9001:2000 certificate to the Paints and Resins  Diviions in January 1997. The award of this certificate constitues international recognition of our quality management system, which in turn shows out commitment to the manufacture of products and provision of services to meet the needs of our customers. 

Job Vacancies at Kansai Paint Indonesia - December 2011

We are seeking qualified candidates (for permanent employement) to fill the position as follow:

Technical Staff
Requirements :
  • Bachelor Degree (S1) from Chemical Engineering/Chemistry MIPA;
  • Male, age max 25 years old;
  • Good command of speaking and writing English;
  • Computer literate (Ms. Excel and Ms. Word);
  • Having lisence A and can driving a car

How to Apply ?

Please send application, CV, recent photograph, Academic Certificate, Transcript and other supporting documents before December 12, 2011 to :



PT Kansai Paint Indonesia
Kawasan Industri MM2100
Blok DD-7 & DD-6, Desa Danau Indah
Cikarang Barat, Bekasi 17520