Semen Gresik Vacancies December 2011

Semen Gresik is the largest cement producing company in Indonesia with an annual cement producing capacity of 17 million tonnes.

To secure supply and help lower its production costs, the company will set up a coal-trading firm in 2011 and further will seek possibility of coal mine acquisition. 30 percent of overall costs is coal consumption cost.

In May 30, 2011 the fire gutted 2 of PT Semen Tonasa IV machines in Bungoro, South Sulawesi and halted the productions for 10 days with financial losses of about Rp.45 billion ($5.3 million). The plant, owned by PT Semen Gresik Group.

Careers at Semen Gresik - December 2011

PT Semen Gresik invites you who have the best high professionalism and integrity to join in our career. If you are challenged to develop yourself in a competitive work environment, we are now opening for opportunities for you to join us. These opportunities only applied for university graduated by this following field of study :

Sarjana (S1)
  1. Tek. Industri
  2. Tek. Sipil
  3. Tek. Kimia
  4. Ekonomi Manajemen
  5. Tek. Mesin
  6. Akuntansi
  7. Tek. Elektro
  8. Psikologi (Industri / Klinis)
  9. Tek. Pertambangan
  10. Hukum (Perdata / Bisnis)

Diploma (DIII)
  1. Tek. Mesin
  2. Hiperkes & Keselamatan Kerja
  3. Tek. Elektro / Listrik
  4. Perpajakan
  5. Tek. Kimia
  6. Akuntansi
  7. Tek. Elektronika / Instrumental
  8. Sistem Informasi
  9. Tek. Pertambangan
  10. Manajemen SDM
  11. Tek. Sipil
  12. Mnjm. Logistik & Material
  13. Tek. dan Manajemen Lingkungan
  14. Mnjm. Pemasaran
General requirements :
  • Indonesian resident (WNI), Age maximum 30 years old (per December 31st, 2011) for S1 and 25 years old for DIII
  • Minimum GPA of 2.75, physical & spiritual healthy, and as well as well-behaved

All applicants are required to register online with no later than December 23rd, 2011 through the link below :