Penerimaan CPNS periode 2012 akan segera diadakan
 Penerimaan CPNS periode 2012 akan segera diadakan

Kementerian PAN dan RB (Kementerian Pendayaguanaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi) telah bekerja sama dengan konsorsium 10 PTN. Kerja sama ini digadang cikal bakal terbentuknya sistem rekrtumen CPNS baru bebas KKN. Selain itu juga menjadi tanda-tanda akan segera ada seleksi CPNS baru.

 Wakil Men-PAN dan RB Eko Prasojo di Jakarta kemarin menuturkan, memang tahun ini ada kesempatan bagi daerah untuk menjalankan seleksi CPNS baru. "Tetapi proses pengajuannya kebutuhan sangat ketat," katanya. Selain itu, pemerintah juga khusus tahun ini membatasi formasi CPNS baru.

Guru besar Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik Universitas Indonesia itu menjelaskan, untuk seleksi CPNS baru tahun ini hanya untuk posisi tenaga pendidik dan tenaga medis. Tenaga medis ini meliputi dokter umum, perawat, dan bidan. Selain itu, juga dibuka kesempatan seleksi CPNS baru untuk posisi pekerjaan yang mendesak. Saat ini, pekerjaan yang mendesak di antaranya adalah sipir atau penjaga lembaga pemasyarakatan (LP).

Meski sudah memastikan tahun ini bakal ada seleksi CPNS baru untuk beberapa posisi tadi, Eko belum bisa memberikan kapan persis penyelenggaraannya. "Masih dalam proses," kata dia. Dia menuturkan, akhir pekan lalu sudah menggelar pertemuan dengan beberapa kementerian dan lembaga terkait. Dalam pertemuan ini, semakin menguatkan jika pengadaan tenaga pendidik dan tenaga kesehatan baru menjadi prioritas rekrutmen CPNS baru tahun ini. Pertemuan ini juga menjadi start identifikasi jumlah kebutuhan pegawai baru di daerah.

Sebelum menjatuhkan kepastian kapan pelaksanaan CPNS baru tahun ini, Eko mengatakan pihaknya masih menunggu data laporan kebutuhan dari daerah. Informasi laporan kebutuhan ini juga harus dilengkapi dengan laporan analisis jabatan dan analisis beban kerja. "Kita punya beberapa ketentuan dokumen yang harus disetor. Semuanya harus dilengkapi," katanya.

Setelah dokumen lengkap, tidak serta merta usulan CPNS baru dikabulkan. Tetapi, akan melewati dulu proses verifikasi. Di luar posisi yang sudah ditetapkan tadi, Kemen PAN dan RB juga sudah berancang-ancang untuk menggelar seleksi CPNS baru untuk seluruh formasi pekerjaan tahun depan.

Perkembangan usulan CPNS baru bisa dipantau di website Kemen PAN dan RB. Khusus di Provinsi Jawa Timur (Jatim) per 20 Januari, rata-rata pemkot dan pemkab di provinsi ini baru menyerahkan form perhitungan kebutuhan PNS baru saja.

Sampai saat ini, pihak Kemen PAN dan RB terus sosialisasi terkait usulan kebutuhan CPNS baru. Untuk tenaga pendidik seperti guru, sudah diberlakukan aturan tersendiri. Misalnya, untuk guru TKN (Taman Kanak-kanak Negeri) ditetapkan satu guru negeri untuk satu rombongan belajar yang ada di satu kabupaten atau kota.

Selanjutnya, untuk guru kelas SDN ditetapkan satu orang untuk satu rombongan belajar di seluruh kabupaten atau kota. Aturan ini juga sama untuk usulan guru SLB Negeri. Sedangkan untuk guru Penjaskes dan agama, dihitung tiga kali jumlah sekolah yang ada di kabupaten atau kota.

Sementara untuk rumus usulan guru bidang studi di SMP, SMU, dan SMK adalah, mengalikan jumlah jam wajib sebuah bidang studi dengan jumlah rombongan belajar, lalu dibagi 24 jam. Untuk guru BP, aturan ditetapkan satu guru untuk 150 siswa. Jadi jika di sebuah sekolah ada 300 siswa, maka guru BP-nya ditetapkan dua orang.

Aturan tersebut tidak berlaku jika di dalam satu sekolah jumlah guru masih mencukupi. Daerah boleh mengusulkan jika ada sekolah yang benar-benar membutuhkan, karena tenaga pendidik yang ada sudah pensiun.

Honorer Kategori I

Pelaksanaan rekrutmen CPNS baru tahun ini bisa jadi membuat 67 ribu tenaga honorer kategori I ketar-ketir. Pasalnya, mereka segera diangkat jika RPP Pengangkatan Honorer yang kabarnya sudah ada di lingkungan istana diteken Presiden SBY.

Menanggapi ini, Eko mengatakan rekrutmen CPNS baru untuk formasi tertentu tidak termasuk dalam skenario pengangkatan honorer. "Ini berbeda. Formasi ini diluar rencana penerbitan PP untuk tenaga honorer," tegasnya.

Dia menegaskan, rekrutmen CPNS baru tahun ini dijalankan dengan skenario tambahan formasi. Dengan demikian, diluar dari formasi yang sudah diplot untuk diisi tenaga honorer kategori I. Sayangnya, hingga saat ini belum ada kepastian kapan RPP tenaga honorer tadi akan diteken. Sehingga wajar jika 67 ribu tenaga honorer kategori I tadi khawatir kursinya diduduki CPNS baru yang lolos seleksi tahun ini.

Eko mengingatkan, tambahan formasi CPNS baru tahun ini hanya diberlakukan untuk kementerian, lembaga, dan pemerintah daerah yang sudah melampirkan laporan analisis jabatan, analisis beban kerja, dan evaluasi jabatan. Jika ada tenaga honorer yang tidak sabar menunggu RPP Pengangkatan Tenaga Honorer diteken, bisa ikut mengadu nasib melalui tes CPNS baru ini. Asalkan memenuhi ketenuan rekrutmen CPNS baru yang bakal ditetapkan. 

sumber berita : Fajar Online

Lowongan PermataBank Januari 2012

PT. Bank Permata Tbk atau PermataBank dibentuk sebagai hasil merger dari 5 bank di bawah pengawasan Badan Penyehatan Perbankan Nasional (BPPN), yakni PT Bank Bali Tbk, PT Bank Universal Tbk, PT Bank Prima Express, PT Bank Artamedia, dan PT Bank Patriot pada tahun 2002. Di tahun 2004, Standard Chartered Bank dan PT Astra International Tbk mengambil alih PermataBank dan memulai proses transformasi secara besar-besaran didalam organisasi. Selanjutnya, sebagai wujud komitmennya terhadap PermataBank, kepemilikan gabungan pemegang saham utama ini meningkat menjadi 89,01% pada tahun 2006.

Kombinasi unik dari kedua pemegang saham strategis merupakan salah satu kekuatan utama PermataBank. PT Astra International Tbk merupakan perusahaan Indonesia yang besar dan memiliki pengalaman kuat di pasar domestik. Standard Chartered Bank dengan keahlian dan pengalaman global terkemuka yang dimilikinya menjadikan PermataBank berada dalam posisi yang unik.

Dan saat ini PermataBank telah berkembang menjadi sebuah bank swasta utama yang menawarkan produk dan jasa inovatif serta komprehensif terutama disisi delivery channel-nya termasuk Internet Banking dan Mobile Banking. PermataBank memiliki aspirasi untuk menjadi penyedia jasa keuangan terkemuka di Indonesia, dengan fokus di segmen Konsumer dan Komersial. Melayani sekitar 2 juta nasabah di 57 kota di Indonesia, PermataBank memiliki 281 cabang (termaksuk 10 cabang Syariah) dan 631 ATM dengan akses tambahan di lebih dari 40.000 ATM (VisaPlus, Visa Electron, MC, Alto, ATM Bersama dan ATM Prima)

Visi dan Brand Promise PermataBank
  • Pelopor dalam memberikan solusi finansial yang inovatif
Brand Promise
  1. Menjadikan hidup lebih bernilai
  2. Mewujudkan brand promise di kehidupan sehari-hari dengan menjalankan nilai-nilai perusahaan dalam bekerja, bersikap, serta berperilaku terhadap customer, rekan kerja, komunitas, investor, dan regulator.

Kesempatan Berkarir di PermataBank periode Januari 2012

PermataBank membuka kesempatan bagi fresh graduate untuk bergabung melalui Banking Associate Program (BAP), Program pendidikan dan pelatihan yang akan membekali peserta dengan pengetahuan mendalam mengenai lini bisnis perbankan. BAP PermataBank didesain sedemikian rupa untuk memberikan akselerasi karir sejalan dengan performa peserta.

BAP Relationship Manager – Small Medium Enterprise (RM SME) Syariah
BAP Mortgage Sales Specialist (MSS) Syariah
BAP Relationship Manager (RM) Syariah

Persyaratan Umum bagi calon pelamar kerja : Pendidikan terakhir S1 (segala jurusan), memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi dengan baik serta berorientasi pada hasil

Catatan : Periode pelamaran kerja dibuka mulai tanggal 30 Januari 2012 hingga paling akhir 8 Februari 2012.

Bagi kandidat yang ingin mengikuti proses seleksi kerja PermataBank ini, silakan akses info lengkap mengenai tata cara pelamaran kerja nya yang telah tersedia melalui

PermataBank Vacancies January 2012

PT. Bank Permata Tbk or PermataBank was formed by a merger of five banks under the oversight of IBRA (Indonesian Banking Restructuring Agency), i.e. PT Bank Bali Tbk, PT Bank Universal Tbk, PT Bank Prima Express, PT Bank Artamedia, and PT Bank Patriot in 2002. In 2004, Standard Chartered Bank and PT Astra International Tbk took over PermataBank and started a major transformation of the organization. Subsequently, as a manifestation of their commitment to PermataBank, these major shareholders increased their joint ownership to 89.01% in 2006.

The unique combination of our strategic shareholders has become one of our core strengths. PT Astra International Tbk is a large-scale Indonesian company with extensive experience in the domestic market, while Standard Chartered Bank is a well-respected international bank with market leading expertise and global experience.

PermataBank today has grown into a major private bank that offers products and services, innovative and comprehensive delivery channels including Internet Banking and Mobile Banking. PermataBank has aspirations to become a leading financial services provider in Indonesia, with a focus on Consumer and Commercial segment. Serving approximately 2 million customers in 57 cities in Indonesia, the Bank has 281 branches (including 10 sharia branches) and 631 ATMs with additional access at more than 40,000 ATMs (VisaPlus, Visa Electron, MC, Alto, ATM Bersama and ATM Prima)

Recruitment at PT. Bank Permata Tbk - January 2012
Explore the opportunity to Learn, Grow and Make a Difference

PermataBank is now opening for an opportunity for fresh graduates to join together with the following descriptions :

BAP Relationship Manager – Small Medium Enterprise (RM SME) Syariah
Job Description
Programs that prepare fresh graduates for a relationship manager that focuses on the distribution of funds (lending) with a target market small - medium businesses scale.

BAP Mortgage Sales Specialist (MSS) Syariah
Job Description
Program that prepares participants to become a specialist in residential lending products.

BAP Relationship Manager (RM) Syariah
Job Description

Program that prepares participants to become relationship managers focusing on fund raising products (funding) and the Personal financial consultant of clients.

Basic Requirements:
  • Educational Background : S1 from all majors
  • Competencies: Able to communicate well, result oriented

Application Procedures

How to Apply ?

Please send immediately your complete recent application letter and CV before the due date stated above to the Human Resources Department of PermataBank

PermataBank Tower I
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 27, Jakarta 12920
Tel. : [021] 523 7899, 523 7999
Fax : [021] 523 7253

Job Note : The job application' s submission period is on January 30th, 2012 until February 8th, 2012.

bookmark here

Lowongan Kompas Gramedia Januari 2012

Kompas Gramedia, disingkat KG, adalah perusahaan Indonesia yang bergerak di bidang media massa yang didirikan pada tanggal 28 Juni 1965 Oleh P.K. Ojong dan Jakob Oetama.

Pada tahun 1980-an perusahaan ini mulai berkembang pesat, terutama dalam bidang komunikasi. Saat ini, KG memiliki beberapa anak perusahaan/bisnis unit yang bervariatif dari media massa, toko buku, percetakan, radio, hotel, lembaga pendidikan, event organizer, stasiun TV hingga universitas.

Pada tahun 2005, perusahaan ini mempekerjakan sekitar 12.000 karyawan yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia.

Kesempatan Berkarir di Kompas Gramedia - Group of Magazine periode Januari 2012

Kompas Gramedia merupakan kelompok bisnis media dengan visi menjadi global player, menantang Anda bergabung dalam tim dan menjadi yang terbaik. Kompas Gramedia memberikan karir yang terbuka luas di seluruh unit bisnis dengan benefit dan fasilitas yang menarik.

Saat ini, kami sedang mencari Wartawan untuk kategori majalah Women's, Economics, Automotive, Flora and Fauna, Architecture, Interior dan IT media.

Reporter Group Of Magazine (REP-JD) - Jakarta - Lulusan S1 Jurnalistik/ Komunikasi/ Korespondensi Inggris/ Ekonomi/ IT/ Desain Interior/ Arsitektur, dan lain sebagainya, memiliki ketertarikan terhadap dunia tulisan, memiliki kemahiran dalam berbahasa asing (Inggris maupun lainnya), memiliki pengalaman dalam dunia jurnalistik akan menjadi nilai tambah bagi kandidat

Bagi Anda yang tertarik untuk melamar pada posisi kerja yang sudah dijabarkan tersebut, silakan terlebih dahulu akses info lengkap mengenai tata cara pelamaran kerja nya yang tersedia melalui

Kompas Gramedia Vacancy January 2012

Kompas Gramedia Group is the largest media conglomerate in Indonesia.

After the success of the magazine Intisari (released 17 August 1963), P. K. Ojong and Jakob Oetama launched a national newspaper called Kompas. The newspaper's first issue was released on 28 June 1965.

Their aim was to breach the huge gap in daily news and information that that was lacking at that time. Kompas has since become a large circulation newspaper with an audited circulation in 2005 of 60gest printing plants in Indonesia.

Current operations

KGG's core business enterprises remain in the information, communication and education business. The Group also has diversified interests including hotels (the Santika premium nationwide chain of hotels), development of real estate (PT Permata Media Land), tissue paper production (PT Graha Kerindo Utama), and travel bureau (PT Ina Media Wisatamas).

In addition to all of the above, KGG also operates quality computer schools under LPKT. LPKT holds the master license for Futurekids for Indonesia. Beside computer education KGG also operates ELTI (English Language Training International) schools.

The group also has two cultural centres in Jakarta and Yogyakarta under the name of Bentara Budaya. These places are used to keep the company's antique collections, and the hall are often used for discussions on culture and also serve as an art gallery.

Its products range from – books (local and imported) and accessories (stationery, digital/IT and multimedia, sports and music).

Currently, 80% of Gramedia's book stock is local works produced in Indonesia or foreign materials that have being translated into Indonesian. These include books on various subjects and themes, study materials, assessment books, road directory, magazines and comics.

Career - Kompas Gramedia (Group of Magazine) in January 2012

Currently, we are looking for reporter in Women's, Economics, Automotive, Flora and Fauna, Architecture, Interior and IT media.

Reporter Group Of Magazine (REP-JD) - Jakarta

  • Min. Bachelor degree from Journalistic /Communication /English Letters/Economy/IT/Interior Design/ Architecture/ Landscape and others.
  • Having interest in writing
  • Proficient in English /other language
  • Have experience in Journalism is a plus
  • Having knowledge in interior/ architecture/ property (for Interior Reporter)

How to Apply ?

Register Yourself Immediately !

If you meet the requirements, please submit your complete resume to the valid official email address of Kompas Gramedia (Group of Magazine)

Job Note :
Please attach you portfolio or writing sample as this special vacancy requirement.

Lowongan PT. Indonesian Marine Januari 2012

PT Indonesian Marine, merupakan sebuah perusahaan Indonesia dengan bisnis inti dalam Jasa Konstruksi; Boiler Industri; Palm Oil Mills, Galangan dan Perbaikan serta Pemeliharaan Tanamang.

Saat ini, Indomarine telah berkembang untuk menyediakan berbagai infrastruktur yang terkait dengan berbagai solusi. Industri kami ini termasuk dalam bidang teknik, manufaktur, konstruksi, galangan kapal, dan perdagangan. Perusahaan telah mengeluarkan kemampuan untuk menjadi one stop shop bagi solusi infrastruktur.

Kami merupakan salah satu perusahaan konstruksi pertama yang didirikan di Indonesia, Indomarine didirikan pada tahun 1954. Perusahaan ini didirikan sebagai respon terhadap pertumbuhan infrastruktur Indonesia dan kebutuhan untuk mendukungnya.

Kesempatan Berkarir di PT. Indonesian Marine - Januari 2012

Perusahaan sedang mencari kandidat profesional yang didorong oleh gairah untuk tumbuh menjadi pribadi unggul dalam operasi dan mengejar kepuasan pelanggan. Jika Anda memiliki semangat yang sama, kami mengundang Anda untuk bergabung dengan kami untuk posisi berikut :

Buyer & Expediter (Code: BE_IM) - Surabaya - D3, pengalaman kerja 3 thn
Thermal Engineer (Code: TE_IM) - Surabaya - S1, pengalaman kerja 3 thn
Quality Control Inspector (Code: QCI_IM) - Surabaya - D3, pengalaman kerja 2 thn
Mechanical Design Engineer - (Code: MDE-IM) - Surabaya - S1, pengalaman kerja 3 thn
Field Engineer (Code: FE _IM) - Surabaya - S1, pengalaman kerja 3 thn
Engineering Manager (Code : EM _IM) - Surabaya - Pria, umur maks. 45 thn, S1, pengalaman kerja 5 thn

Bagi Anda yang tertarik untuk mengikuti proses seleksi kerja PT. Indomarine ini, silakan akses informasi dan referensi selengkapnya mengenai prosedur pelamaran kerja nya melalui

PT Indonesian Marine Vacancies January 2012

PT Indonesian Marine, an Indonesia company with core business in Plant Construction Services; Industrial Boiler; Palm Oil Mills; Shipyard and Plant Repair & Maintenance, is looking for a number of competent and experienced people to support its business growth.

This includes engineering, manufacturing, construction, shipbuilding, and trading. The Company has expended its capabilities to be a one-stop shop for infrastructure solutions.

One of the first construction companies to be set up in indonesia, Indomarine was established in 1954. The Company was established in response to Indonesia’s infrastructure growth and the need to support it.

Present day, the Indomarine has grown to provide a wide range of infrastructure-related solutions. This includes engineering, manufacturing, construction, shipbuilding, and trading. The Company has expanded its capabilities shop for infrastructure solutions.

Job Opportunities at PT. Indonesian Marine in January 2012

The Company is looking for driven professionals who have passion to grow through excel in operation and customer satisfaction. If you share the same passion, we invite you to join us for the following positions :

Buyer & Expediter (Code: BE_IM) - Surabaya
  • Minimum D3 in Mechanical and Industrial or other disciplie with 3 years experience in the same field.
  • Able to create and maintain purchasing order based on bill of quantity as per design and project requirement accurately and on timely manner.
  • Able to source goods and services as per defined specification and requirement with competitive quality, cost and time delivery as per project requirement.
  • Capable in following up and expediting necessary action to ensure that schedule and delivery promises are maintained timely manner and proper handling.
  • Able to coordinate with other related parties in Company to analyze the necessary of subcontracting process when product should be handled outside Company because of loading; complexity or other reasons. This subcontracting systems should be also competitive in quality; cost and time delivery.
  • Has understanding description of technical/boiler parts and materials would be advantageous
  • Has effective negotiation and communication skill.
  • Able to work under pressure; hard worker and honest.
  • Good spoken and written English.
  • Willing to be placed at Surabaya and extensive travel required including remote plant locations.
Closing Date: 5-2-12

Thermal Engineer (Code: TE_IM) - Surabaya
  • Bachelor degree (S-1) in Mechanical, Physic or Chemical Engineering, 3 years experience in thermal design.
  • Good knowledge in boiler component; Pressure Parts; Steam Generator and Steel Structure Manufacturing
  • Strong knowledge on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanic, Thermodynamic, and Control & Instrumentation of Boiler Product
  • Good spoken and written communication in English
  • Ready for working under pressure
  • Willing to be placed at Surabaya and extensive travel required including remote plant locations
Closing Date: 6-2-12

Quality Control Inspector (Code: QCI_IM) - Surabaya
  • Minimum D3 in Mechanical and Industrial,
  • Minimum 2 years experience in quality control or having experience in handling construction / fabrication will be our priority.
  • Have a Welding Inspector Certificate; familiar with ASME Code Standard and Government Regulation for Manufacturer Boiler & Pressure Vessel.
  • Good basic knowledge of piping Inspection, structure inspection & tankage inspection
  • Familiarity with material inspection, fit-up and dimension check as per isometric drawing, check visual welding traceability & welding map, review NDT & fabrication status, witness pre & hydrostatic test, check surface preparation (Sandblasting) & painting, review manufacture data record (MDR), check packaging and delivery manifest.
  • Familiar with Review contractor NDT specification, Technician certificate validation and NDT equipment certificate. WPS, Welder qualification certificate and Welding / NDT map, hydro testing and PWHT procedure, raw material certificate and inspection material receiving, inspection during Fabrication and WELDING inspection as per KEI (company) specification, Witness dimensional and orientation of nozzle, Welding visual inspection and NDT (UT/PT) then review NDT report and interpretation of RT result, Witness hydro testing and review report, Inspection blasting and painting.
  • Good spoken and written communication in English
  • Ready for working under pressure
  • Willing to be placed at Surabaya and extensive travel required including remote plant location.
Closing Date: 25-2-12

Mechanical Design Engineer - (Code: MDE-IM) - Surabaya
  • Minimum S1 Degree in Mechanical Engineering from reputable university
  • Minimum 3 years of work experience as a mechanical Design Engineer
  • Able to develop detailed design drawings and specifications for steam boiler equipment, and controls, using computer-assisted drafting (CAD) equipment.
  • Familiar with design drawing, technical specification, engineering calculation and CAD calculation.
  • Have a good experience in Boiler, Power Piping, Steel Structure, or Pressure Vessel Detailing.
  • Ability to check dimensions of materials to be used and assign numbers to the materials. Coordinate with and consult other workers to design, layout, or detail components and systems and to resolve design or other problems. Review and analyze specifications, sketches, drawings, ideas, and related data to assess factors affecting component designs and the procedures and instructions to be followed.
  • Good spoken and written communication in English
  • Willing to be placed at Surabaya or extensive travel required including remote plant locations
Closing Date: 13-2-12

Field Engineer (Code: FE _IM) - Surabaya
  • Bachelor Degree in Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical, Marine Engineering or an associated degree in Engineering
  • 3 years experience in similar position in power plant or process industry
  • Coordinate and manage all site activities and issues of site staff, sub contractors, trades and suppliers site activities, ensure timely response to program requirements and make report to Project Superintendent
  • Good knowledge basic of Mechanical Technique, basic of Boiler, Basic of hydraulic & pneumatic equipment system and good engineering practice in field.
  • Has a Planning & Organizing capabilities, strong of sense for urgency and responsibility, organized and systematic and do coordinate with big team
  • Good spoken and written communication in English
  • Willing to be placed at Surabaya and extensive travel required including remote plant locations
Closing Date: 13-2-12

Engineering Manager (Code : EM _IM) - Surabaya
  • Bachelor Degree (S1) in Engineering
  • Male with age maximum 45 years old
  • Has strong experience in leading the power plant, oil & gas, or palm oil project and at least 5 years progressive experience in managerial level in EPC Companies,
  • Have experience in Mechanical Construction Supervision, strong accountability skill trough knowledge of policies and procedures.
  • Good knowledge in boiler component; Pressure Parts; Steam Generator and Steel Structure Manufacturing
  • Good Analyze technology, resources needs, market demand to plan assess the feasibility of projects.
  • Have a good planning for budgets, bids, contracts, and direct the negotiation of research contracts including direct review, and approve product design and changes.
  • Must have strong sense for urgency and responsibility, organized and systematic and do manage small engineering team
  • Willing to be placed at Surabaya or and extensive travel required including remote plant locations
Closing Date: 13-2-12


Join Us Now !

Please send the resume and photo by email to Human Resources Division of PT. Indonesian Marine
Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview

Job Note : For further reference about our company, please visit our website at

Lowongan PT. Golden Energy Mines Januari 2012

PT. Golden Energy Mines adalah kelompok penambangan batubara yang merupakan anak perusahaan Dian Swastika Sentosa Tbk (DSSA) - sebuah perusahaan Energi dan Infrastruktur. Saat ini kami menyediakan 5 juta ton batubara per tahun untuk powerplants Batubara dan Industri seperti semen dan kertas baik lokal maupun internasional.

Kami memperoleh tambang batubara dari banyak konsesi yang kami miliki, dan pada saat yang sama juga membeli dari pemilik tambang lainnya. Kami bertujuan untuk menjadi perusahaan batubara terkemuka dengan standar yang baik dan konsisten. 

Kelompok kami adalah salah satu yang terbesar di bidang perusahaan yang berbasis sumber daya alam yang beroperasi di kepulauan Indonesia.

Lowongan Kerja di PT. Golden Energy Mines periode Januari 2012

Salah satu anak perusahaan kami di Pertambangan Batubara saat ini sedang mengembangkan dan mencari kandidat yang berkualitas untuk mengisi posisi sebagai berikut :

Senior Legal Officer - Jakarta - Pria/ Wanita, umur maks. 30 thn, S1
Internal Audit Section Head - Jakarta
- Pria/ Wanita, umur maks. 35 thn, S1 (lebih diutamakan kandidat bergelar "Ak"), pengalaman kerja 4 thn
CSR Manager - Kalimantan Selatan - S1, pengalaman kerja 5 thn
Sales & Marketing Manager - Jakarta
- S1, pengalaman kerja 5 thn
Accounting, Budget, & Cost Control Manager - Jakarta
- S1, pengalaman kerja 7 thn
Land Acquisition Manager - Jakarta
- Pria, pengalaman kerja 8 thn
Recruitment Manager - Jakarta - S1, pengalaman kerja 5 thn
Strategic & Security Coordinator - Jakarta - S1, pengalaman kerja 5 thn
Finance & Accounting, Tax Ass. Manager - Jakarta
- S1, umur maks. 35 thn, pengalaman kerja 5 thn
Land Compensation Officer - Jambi
- S1, pengalaman kerja 2 thn
Community Development Supervisor - Kalimantan Selatan
- S1, pengalaman kerja 3 thn
Wellsite - Kalimantan Tengah
- STM, terbuka untuk Fresh Graduate
Surveyor - Kalimantan Tengah
- STM, umur maks. 35 thn, pengalaman kerja 2 thn
Audit Senior Staff - Jakarta
- S1, pengalaman kerja 3 thn

Bagi kandidat yang ingin mengisi salah satu posisi kerja yang ditawarkan, silakan akses terlebih dahulu mengenai tata cara pelamaran kerja nya yang tersedia melalui

PT. Golden Energy Mines Vacancies January 2012

PT. Golden Energy Mines is the coal mining group subsidiary of Dian Swastika Sentosa Tbk (DSSA) - a Energy and Infrastructure company. Currently we  supply 5 million tons of coal per annum to Coal Powerplants and Industries such as cement and paper both locally and internationally.

We mine coal from our many concessions, and at the same time also purchase from other mine owners. We aim to be a reputable leading coal company with good consistent standards. If you are a mine owner or coal end user, we are happy to hear your proposals.

Our group is one of the world-largest natural resources based companies with operations in Indonesian archipelagos.

Job Vacancies at PT. Golden Energy Mines in January 2012

One of our subsidiaries in Coal Mining is currently expanding and looking for highly qualified candidates to fill the following position :

Senior Legal Officer - Jakarta
  • Male/Female, Maximum 30 years of age
  • Minimum S1 Degree majoring in Law from reputable university
  • Handling wide range of legal related matters ranging from general corporate, commercial, company licenses, litigation, land related matter and regulatory compliance of the group
  • Reviewing corporate and commercial agreements of the group as well as providing professional advice and consultationon legal matters
  • Reviewing and providing advice on various legal documentation and contracts
  • Placement in Jakarta and willing to travel to site 

Internal Audit Section Head - Jakarta
Job Responsibilities:
  • Assessing new prospectus client and maintaining good relationship with the client
  • Managing the teams starting from the planning stage up to reporting stage
  • Auditing and reviewing the statutory report and reporting packages
  • Integrating Audit Risk Management, evaluating any instances of material mistatement/weakness/deficiency on controls
Job Requirements:
  • Male/ Female, max 35 yrs of age
  • Minimum Bachelor Degree, Accountant Certification Program Graduates (Ak) would be preferred
  • Having minimum 4 years in handling Audit matters as Supervisor in Mining company or Public Accountant Firms
  • Having Indonesian Certified Public Accountant & Government Certified Public Accountant would be an advantage
  • Fluency in English
  • Able to work under pressure and strict deadlines
  • Honest, Discipline, Precise, Good Communication, Team Work 

CSR Manager - Kalimantan Selatan    
  • Responsible for the design, implement and manage Corporate Social Responsibility program to optimize the benefit into communities while in compliance with applicable regulation, company rules and its requirements.
  • Provide management support in promoting company's image and reputation and establish good company s relationship with communities and local authorities.
  • Possessing documentation and report.
  • Min. S1 with at least 5 years experience in the relevant field, preferably within large scale community development project.
  • Experience to work for Coal Mining Company is preferable.
  • Having experience in community survey and assessment, social impact and risk mitigation and handling the community conflict/complaint.
  • Good interpersonal skill and able to work in a multi cultural environment.
  • Understanding on environmental management system, general affairs and commercial term will be an advantage.
  • Having excellent communication, presentation and negotiation skill.

Sales & Marketing Manager - Jakarta    
  • Directing implementation of coal business development strategic plan which approved by sales and marketing division, and continually review program implementation to ensure the success of GEM's strategics & plans
  • Getting information from customer about coal markets and about customer's needs to improve sales and marketing plans run properly and accordingly to company's strategic plans
  • Monitoring exsiting coal markets, performance of all customers, identifying potential markets with the purpose of anticipating market's opportunities and threats Coordinating with related division to ensure important sales document fits with the specification, on time products delivery, and on time payment, so she/he can support sales and marketing activities effective and efficiently
  • Negotiating price, condition and terms with customer
  • Minimum Bachelor Degree from Commerce or any related field
  • Have minimum 5 years of experience as Marketing & Sales Manager preferably from mining industry
  • Experienced in corporate structuring and negotiation
  • Energetic and Good Interpersonal Skill.
  • Familiar with MS Project would be an advantage.

Accounting, Budget, & Cost Control Manager - Jakarta    
  • Minimum Bachelor Degree in Accounting
  • Having minimum 7 years experience with 2 years in Public Accountant Firm as a Manager
  • Have an experience in using SAP
  • Has a certificate Brevet A, B & C
  • Analytical thinker, independent executor focus, supportive, result oriented, business management understanding
  • Have a strong Numerical analysis and result oriented
  • Good Computer Skill (Ms. Office, Word, Excel)
  • Willingness to site travel

Land Acquisition Manager - Jakarta    
Job Responsibilities:
  • Developing strategies to resolve land access and land use conflicts in line with company policy and standards and maintaining positive company profile and reputation in the conduct of all land acquisition activities
  • Ensuring proper documentation of all land transactions to provide comprehensive records in line with legal requirements and future asset protections.
  • Plan, communicate and negotiation land compensation requirement with land owners within reasonable price and time frame
  • Final review upon all community development supporting document to ensure it has been accurately prepared and completed based on standard operating procedure and regulation;
  • Develop/ establish and maintain high level communication with government to update any related community development issues, new regulations, policies
  • Plan, manage and control problems handling and potential issues handling related with community development plan and implementation activities (including identify the problems, leading inlitigation process, liaise with company’s lawyer/law firm)
Job Requirements:
  • Male
  • 8 years relevant experience in land compensation with 2 years in managerial position
  • Good track records of delivering quality and targets within established variances.
  • Ability to schedule and complete the assigned tasks.
  • Good knowledge in mining industry and ability to collect and analyze local data for problem solving tools
  • Ability to work collaboratively within team colleagues.
  • Ability to maintain and improve relationships with internal customers and stakeholders. 

Recruitment Manager - Jakarta    
  • Coordinate to make sure recruitment service level can support three sites: Jakarta, Sumatra and Kalimantan (planning, sourcing, profiling, placement)
  • Responsible for staff recruiting and selection process in order to fulfill manpower needs of each department in the strictest timely basis with high qualified employee
  • Lead the recruitment activities and improve recruitment strategy and system which include to build SOP, recruitment flow, recruitment report and recruitment standard.
  • Build up a candidate data bank to support a high quality results through HRIS
  • Determine the psychological benchmark and interview competency benchmark for job grading in both holdings and site.
  • Able to review KPIs subordinates and make a continuous improvements for the standards.
  • Have an education background of bachelor degree in psychology, human resource or equivalent.
  • Have an experience for 5 years in doing recruitment, 2 years in a managerial level.
  • Able to do multitasking and work in a tremendous amount of target and pressure.
  • Exhaust to fulfill a large amount of head count seek in a limited time.
  • Able to join immediately with maximum one month notice.
  • Come from a mining background is preferable.

Strategic & Security Coordinator - Jakarta    
Job Requirements:

  • Min bachelor degree in any related field from a recognized university
  • Have similar experience min 5 years as strategic & security superintendent, preferably in coal mining industry
  • Good knowledge on strategic security, safety and crisis management
  • Good communication, presentation skills, and interpersonal
  • Strong ability to work independently at remote area as well as part of a team
Job Descriptions:
  • Developing and maintaining the implementation of company security strategy and crisis management plans in all location
  • Develop a process to capture key issues related to potential security and crisis and responsible to propose actions to project team
  • Able to establish, develop, and communicate good relation with local peoples and employees

Finance & Accounting, Tax Ass. Manager - Jakarta    
  • Min. Bachelor Degree in Economy major with min. GPA 2,75
  • Have min. 5 years experience in the same position especially in Mining Industry
  • Must experienced in Finance, Accounting, Tax and Budgeting areas
  • Max. 35 years old
  • Have excellent knowledge about accounting & tax operational process
  • Having experience in using SAP R3 program will be an advantage
  • Willing to be placed in Jakarta
  • Willing to travel to all our operational units
  • Updating daily transactions (cashbanks) and journal
  • Report company's monthly & yearly tax
  • Making financial and budgeting reports

Land Compensation Officer - Jambi    
Job Responsibilities:
  • Developing strategies to resolve land access and land use conflicts in line with company policy and standards and maintaining positive company profile and reputation in the conduct of all land acquisition activities.
  • Ensuring proper documentation of all land transactions to provide comprehensive records in line with legal requirements and future asset protections.
  • Plan, communicate and negotiation land compensation requirement with land owners within reasonable price and time frame.
  • Final review upon all supporting document to ensure it has been accurately prepared and completed based on standard operating procedure and regulation.
  • Plan, manage and control problems handling and potential issues handling related with Land acquisition plan and implementation activities (including identify the problems, liaise with company's lawyer/law firm).
Job Requirements:
  • Min. S1 from reputable university.
  • Min 2 years relevant experience in land compensation and land acquisition in coal mining industries
  • Good track records of delivering quality and targets within established variances.
  • Ability to schedule and complete the assigned tasks.
  • Good knowledge in mining industry and ability to collect and analyze local data for problem solving tools.
  • Ability to work collaboratively within team colleagues.

Community Development Supervisor - Kalimantan Selatan    
Job Requirements:
  • Must have 3 years of demonstrated working experience in Community Relations, Community Development Community Engagement preferably in the mining industry
  • Must a have a degree in Community Development or Social Science from a reputable school or university.
  • Must have highly developed interpersonal and communication skills, problem solving capabilities, knowledge of community planning and ability to develop strong networks, to be a strong contender for the position.
  • Must be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of community planning, community strengthening initiatives and positive community engagement.
  • Must be able to demonstrate experience in community engagement, participation and volunteering.
  • Background in rural as opposed to urban poverty alleviation projects with good understanding of rural economies in terms mining an advantage
  • Ability to effectively communicate with company management. LGUs and communities
Job Descriptions:
  • Positively manage face-to-face community consultation, organising and attending community liaison group meetings conducting presentations and completing reports on behalf of the organisation.
  • Represent the company in the geographic area surrounding the site operation and as such, the candidate will be responsible for maintaining a positive corporate image as well as ensuring a strong flow of information between the company, community groups and local government units.
  • Develop and lead the implementation of Community Capacity-Building Programs, in consultation with the community council, lode government units, community groups and other key stakeholders of the project
  • Handle the day to day management of company’s Community Development Projects and initiatives implemented in areas and surrounding areas where the company is conducting mineral exploration activities.
  • Facilitate community and community-related events, such as, but not limited to, Kampung assemblies and consultations.
  • Ensure policies and procedures of the company on community relations and community development are adhered to. These policies will include Community Engagement Guidelines, SHEC-list, Good Citizenship and Business Principles.

Wellsite - Kalimantan Tengah    
  • Minimum STM majoring Geology
  • Fresh Graduate are welcome to apply
  • Having a Good Knowledge & able to use geological software is preferably
  • Will be placed in remote area

Surveyor - Kalimantan Tengah    
  • Maximum 35 years old
  • Minimum STM Geodetic/Survey
  • Having minimum 2 years experience as surveyor on mining industry
  • Knowledge of mine planning and survey related software
  • English min. passive
  • Willing to work at mine site

Audit Senior Staff - Jakarta    
  • Bachelor Degree in Accounting from reputable University
  • Minimum 3 years experience in audit firm or in Internal Audit Function
  • Having experience in coal mining industry would be an advantage
  • Excellent in computer literate (MS Word, MS Excel and MS Power Point)
  • Good Interpersonal and communication skill
  • Fluently in English both oral and written
  • Understand about risk management / internal control awarness
  • Strong  analytical skill and detail oriented
  •  Able to work under pressure and deadlines 

Applying Process

Application Procedures of PT. Golden Energy Mines

Please sent your complete CV & recent photos via email to PT. Golden Energy Mines recruitment division
Only shortlisted candidates will be invited via phone for test and interview

* you can bookmark this web page for your reference